For exactly 10 years this year I have been proposing that my friends and family invest in residential rental properties.
This started after it took me 5 years (from 1998 to 2003) to discover how I was making money with Residential Rental properties myself.
It frustrates me to see how little of my friends and family actually took the first step.
Now you might ask me:
Why would I like you to make money?
What is in it for me?
etc etc.
One would like to see your friends and family prosper - The more money people have around you the more opportunities there are for everybody around you.
Also, Instead of continuing to see you NOT take action maybe i can help, and profit in the process.
When I ask why have you not invested in Residential Rental properties I get the following responses.
1. I have, I bought myself a house (the house I live in, or the house i operate my business from) * This is not a Residential Rental property; and does not come with the same advantages.
2. You make so little on property for the effort of a tenant phoning you on a weekend.
3. What do you do if the tenant does not pay?
4. I don't know enough - It sounds complicated
5. Squatters!!
6. What happens if your property is destroyed by the tenant?
7. I am scared.
8. Who handles all the admin, rates and taxes, levee, electricity ?
I look at all above as excuses and not real issues...... BUT I have decided that I will make the following offer.
If you are interested in making money by buying residential rental properties with me - I will be prepared to go in 50/50 partnership with you and I will cover 100% of all the costs of the above problems. That is my guarantee to you.
Let me know via reply email if you are interested ?
PS: I have always mentioned to my family and friends that I would STRONGLY advise them NEVER to buy property in a Partnership - I still advise that. When we "partner" 50/50 we will have a company created where you (or a trust) owns 50% and my property trust owns the other 50% of the company which will own a property - having a company created is totally different than a conventional partnership. It removes a lot of the risk for the other party, and it creates a clear exit strategy when created correctly.
PSS: Other questions that will follow - Do you have capital to invest? how much? How soon do you want to profit? How much do you expect to make in Rands and/or % per annum or for period ? Do you have a clean credit record? Do you know if you will qualify for a home loan and how much? If you cannot answer any of these questions please feel free to say so - so that i can assist.
PSS: If you know of people that are in financial trouble that have property please let me know - We should be able to structure deals to help them and ourselves.
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