Friday, 24 June 2016 086-999-0-786


                PHONE 086-999-0-786

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

PAY ONLY R65,000 and BUY this NEW Residential Investment Property WORTH R719,000

**INVESTORS ONLY** or People that want to become Financially Free

PAY ONLY R65,000 and BUY this NEW Residential Investment Property WORTH R719,000

Pay ZERO Transfer Duty, ZERO Transfer Costs, ZERO Bond Registration Fees.
Rental income: R5,900 pm
Levy: R 829 pm
Rates and Taxes: R313 pm
Transfer Duty: R0
Transfer Costs: R0
Agent's Commission: R0
Bond Registration Fee: R0
Bond Initiation Fees R5,600

If you rent out the property, you ONLY PAY (contribute) the following amounts: 
Year 1: R24,814
Year 2: R18,594
Year 3: R11,703
Year 4: R4,551

That means you are "cash flow positive" in Year 4 and from there on the tenant pays off your bond.

For more information on this Limited Investment opportunity, Contact
Sam on 0869990999 
or whatsapp / sms 078 2 128 128 
or Elsabe on 079 4818636 
or Themba on 072 1042020

Monday, 26 October 2015

SA at risk of underestimating property value decline 20151026 Fin24

See below - Yes, this is possible...

Oct 26 2015 20:30 



Johannesburg - In South Africa, with its stagnating economy, the risk of underestimating the extent of future property value decline is possible, according to John Loos, household and property sector strategist at FNB.
This risk would, however, depend on how weak the economy gets before it gets better, he pointed out.
"A slowing house price index growth rate is unlikely to tell the full story of residential weakness should it occur, because such an index only records what gets transacted, and not what has 'exited' the residential market. The market price can also remain significantly above equilibrium price for lengthy periods of time," explained Loos.
This doesn’t render house price indices useless, but, in his opinion, one has to understand what you are dealing with, and what it can and cannot tell you.
"The reality is, though, that home values can and do fluctuate up and down, perhaps more than we think and more than a house price index would tell us," said Loos.
"There exists a view that property values are capable of by-and-large 'holding up' in tougher economic times, some even believing that home values “can only rise. These claims, or assumptions, around property values are often a little far fetched, and we believe that they stem, in part, from a misinterpretation of the most commonly used measures of home prices, namely house price indices."
A house price index does not measure all existing home values but, rather, transaction prices.
In his view a country such as South Africa, with its general inflation rate, should see average (nominal) house prices rising more than they fall.
The FNB House Price Index, for instance, showed only one year in its 14 year history in which the average house price for an entire year declined.
The Absa House Price Index with its 49 year history, only had three years in which the average house price for the entire year fell.
"However, in real terms, adjusting for Consumer Price Inflation over time, we find 24 such years of decline, a very different picture. Yes, 'downward corrections' are more common than many may believe," said Loos.
The average house price level, as depicted by a house price index, is not necessarily the “market equilibrium” price and a house price index is not a national home value index, he cautioned.
In toughening economic times, for instance, one can see a slump in the volume of residential transactions being more significant in more financially pressured areas.
The number of such financially pressured areas can increase in number during recessionary and stagnant economic periods.
The influence of such areas or market segments on an overall house price index can then decline, whereas stronger market segments’ transaction volumes could conceivably hold up better.
"Such 'diminished influence' of certain areas on a transaction-based index, can become more frequent in an economic downturn, raising the likelihood that a house price index can over-estimate how well residential values have held up in tougher economic times," said Loos.
"The traded market can shrink dramatically in size in such circumstances, and it is those properties still traded whose prices can hold up reasonably, but not necessarily the broader average value of all property stock."

Friday, 5 December 2014

Yes Renting out a property is bad...

See below, and I have seen many of these....

What is he not taking into account?   and why have I and many others been able to make lots of money from residential rental properties?


Mike Immelman - December 4, 2014 at 09:25
If you do your sums correctly you will discover that it is not possible to make a return in excess of inflation on a rental property investment.
From your gross 8% suggested above you have to subtract:
1. 10% agent collection fees
2. 25% building levies
3. 10% for repairs and maintenance
4. 10% interest on the bond
5. 5% defaults by the tenants

40% marginal tax on your income if the rent pushes you into a higher tax bracket.

You can however add back capital appreciation on the property (if the tenants haven't destroyed it). You also have to consider the political risks if this is a South African property (the government and legislation is very pro-tenant).

Work it all out and you will probably be showing a net loss, certainly you will not be making as much as inflation. Cash is the worst investment one can make but at least it is more liquid than rental property.

Investing in a rental property is useful as a means of diversification , where one already has a share portfolio, an education, a pension, no debts and a money investment. It should come about last on this list.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Another good reason why Rental Property is Good?

Real life is Even Better than Monopoly.
In monopoly you do not receive rent while in Jail.
But in Real Life you can still receive Rent while in Jail.
That is of course if you have not been sued for it, or that you did not acquire it illegally - and it was proven...

PS: This is NOT what happened below - but it made me think of it.....

Monday, 9 September 2013

I had the honour of interviewing George Ross (right hand man to Donald Trump ) who is also know for his role in the television program The Apprentice

I had the honour of interviewing George Ross  (right hand man to Donald Trump  ) who is also know for his role in  the television program The Apprentice.

I appreciate this quote of him:

I think selling techniques are basically the same in every country, except there are different cultures that have different methods of negotiating. But real estate is the same, whether it happens to be in Australia or if it happens to be in New York.

The interview can bee see here:

I had the honour of interviewing George Ross (right hand man to Donald Trump ) who is also know for his role in the television program The Apprentice.

1. If you are not technically up to date; you are living in the middle ages.
2. The importance of face to face personal relationships.
3. 80/20 Principle.
4. How important it is to prioritize your emails and actions within your business and life.

Saying all that: It is still not easy, but at least we know what MUST be done!

For more info:

Friday, 7 June 2013

Konfokulated (tm) Confokulated

It was great seeing Hannes Dreyer again last night.

He is always consistent in what he says - Yes, he always says the same thing.

But each time you listen; it means something else (to you)!

Is that not great!?!

Own notes:

Trust R1.00 release for R1.00 made?!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Running into Coert Coetzee (the founder of

It was unexpected and great running into Coert Coetzee (the founder of in Johannesburg on the 18th of May.

The last time we spoke was before the Property Market Crash of 2008.

We had a short discussion of how prices have fallen, but how the principles are still correct. 

It would have been better not to buy before prices fall..... but we tend not to buy if we don't decide to buy now......   and the damage of not buying today is worse than not buying at all....

I hope the statement above follows logic?

Saturday, 5 January 2013

What is all about?

We are all passionate about property, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week , 365 days a year. 

I request that we all use this Blog to educate one another about property.

It is a great way to create wealth.

(Lots of money can also be lost - if you do not educate yourself)

Friday, 4 January 2013

What Property means to me?

Property to me currently means:

1. Real Estate Property

Buying and Selling
Buying and Renting out


- It always sounds if the real money is made here


- I prefer this above Commercial - possibly because I have much less experience with Commercial and I don't have the right systems in place for Commercial.

2. Website Property

Buying and Selling
Buying and Renting out

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Make 25% to 100% on R200,000.00 per annum in legal contracts.

Offer to be discussed in detail?  (Only to friends)

1. Be in control
2. Little Risk
3. No marketing or selling
4. Risk reduced through contracts and guarantees
5. Property Developer with more than 15 years experience, NHBRC registered, and seasoned property investor.
6. Invest in legal contracts with the worse case scenario being property at R100,000.00 below cost.

1. Limited opportunities - might only be able to partake once - or a limited amount of time
2. There will be tax implications
3. Good credit record is required


How it works?
1. You apply for a building loan via one of the 4 major banks
1. You purchase a stand in a upmarket security estate
2. Have a choice of 3 popular upmarket rental houses built on stand
3. Recover your R 200,000 investment after 6 months
4. Choose to keep your investment property, Sell it for R50,000 more, or sell it for R100,000 more with your finance transferred to our Upmarket Rental Property Investment Trust
5. Options: Rental Guarantee for 12 months @ R15,000 per month

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

50% Partnership to my friends and family members

For exactly 10 years this year I have been proposing that my friends and family invest in residential rental properties.

This started  after it took me 5 years (from 1998 to 2003) to discover how I was making money with Residential Rental properties myself.

It frustrates me to see how little of my friends and family actually took the first step.

Now you might ask me:

Why would I like you to make money?
What is in it for me?
etc etc.

One would like to see your  friends and family prosper  - The more money people have around you the more opportunities there are for everybody around you.  
Also, Instead of continuing to see you NOT take action maybe i can help, and profit in the process.

When I ask why have you not invested in Residential Rental properties I get the following responses.

1. I have, I bought myself a house (the house I live in, or the house i operate my business from)  * This is not a Residential Rental property; and does not come with the same advantages.
2. You make so little on property for the effort of a tenant phoning you on a weekend.
3. What do you do if the tenant does not pay?
4. I don't know enough - It sounds complicated
5. Squatters!!
6. What happens if your property is destroyed by the tenant?
7. I am scared.
8. Who handles all the admin, rates and taxes, levee, electricity ? 

I look at all above as excuses and not real issues...... BUT I have decided that I will make the following offer.

If you are interested in making money by buying residential rental properties with me - I will be prepared to go in 50/50 partnership with you and I will cover 100% of  all the costs of the above problems. That is my guarantee to you.

Let me know via reply email if you are interested ?


PS: I have always mentioned to my family and friends that I would STRONGLY advise them NEVER to buy property in a Partnership - I  still advise that.  When we "partner" 50/50 we will have a company created where you (or a trust) owns 50% and my property trust owns the other 50% of the company which will own a property  - having a company created is totally different than a conventional partnership. It removes a lot of the risk for the other party, and it creates a clear exit strategy when created correctly.

PSS: Other questions that will follow - Do you have capital to invest?  how much?  How soon do you want to profit? How much do you expect to make in Rands and/or % per annum or for period ?  Do you have a clean credit record? Do you know if you will qualify for a home loan and how much? If you cannot answer any of these questions please feel free to say so - so that i can assist.

PSS: If you know of people that are in financial trouble that have property please let me know - We should be able to structure deals to help them and ourselves.